April 26, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Camélia

When they are at the dawn of their life, the Camellia must above all develop their sense of solidarity by practicing for example group activities. In spite of the efforts of dad and mom, the girls are however autonomous. Camellias are they boys missed? Anyway, they prefer the games of their brothers, the so-called physical exercises and adventure.

When they become adults, the Camellias are determined, active, courageous and independent women. But Camellias are particularly vulnerable, humane women who tend to fall back on themselves. The Camellia can also be proud and arrogant but that their entourage is reassured because they will always answer. Generous and receptive, they can turn to humanitarian associations. Camellias are sensitive to beauty and quality. Sentimentally, they are honest, dedicated but authoritarian.

つばきファクトリー『初恋サンライズ』(Camellia Factory [First Love Sunrise]) (Promotion Edit) (April 2024)