April 26, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Lydie

When they are still children, Lydia have trouble asserting themselves. A problem ? Not really if the family encourages their autonomy and individuality. We must also give them responsibilities. When they feel confident, they are very talkative. Otherwise, they dive into a certain silence. Their creative and artistic tastes are of course to be encouraged. They also have a weakness for foreign languages.

Growing up, Lydia are apparently secretive and reserved. But we must not trust appearances. Sociable and communicative, they are cautious and do not engage lightly. These women, who wear this first nameare enterprising and need to assert themselves. Responsible and courageous, they may have doubts and worries.

Concerned about their image, their sensitivity is strong and their mood sometimes fluctuating. They can live enthusiastic and communicative moments or dark and lonely phases.

FYI: you only have a few hours left to wish them a happy feast if you know one.

Highly Suspect - Lydia [Official Video] (April 2024)