April 29, 2024

The laziness

How to prevent fatigue and stress from altering libido?

We can not avoid fatigue. For the woman, pregnancy and childbirth necessarily represent real physical and psychic upheavals. The nights are broken up by baby wakes, crying and feedings. In short, it has been said: during this transitional period, the slowdown in sexuality is almost inevitable. The libido goes to sleep. But this state of drowsiness, some women are satisfied. Why ? To enjoy more and more baby. They lock themselves into a routine, at the risk of putting their couple in danger. In reality, it is often by jostling, to get out of this fusional relationship with the child, that a mother can revive her libido. We must not let ourselves be systematically tired. By refusing habits. By accepting, for example, to explore new sexual lands, hitherto ignored. In short, being more enterprising, more daring, more adventurous.

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song (Official Video) (April 2024)