April 26, 2024

The name of the day: Emilia

Origin of first name Emilia
The first name Emilia comes from Germanic and means "worker". This first name is carried by nearly 4,000 people in France and remains relatively unassigned today. It honors the Emilia on September 19th.

From the Latin aemulus, "rival", or the Greek haimulos, "cunning"; Aemilius also said Emilia was the name of a large Roman family, from which came the consul Paul Emile and his son Scipion Emilien, adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus. The consul Émile Lépide left his name to via Emilia, which connects the Po to the Adriatic, as well as to the northern province of Italy, Emilia. Today Emilia remains a first name rare in France but it is particularly attributed in the Hispanic, Iusophone and Slavic countries. It is also a first name for Greece, Occitania and the Basque Country.

Emilia is a determined and committed young woman. In her professional life she is reliable and enjoys working in a team. In her personal life, the young woman likes to seduce and loves to travel.

Game of Thrones: The Musical – Emilia Clarke Teaser | Red Nose Day (April 2024)