April 26, 2024

The name of the day: Sonia

The family Sonia
The first name Sonia comes from Greek and means "wisdom". This first name is carried by about 80,000 people in France and remains relatively unallocated today. Sonia is honored on May 25th.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first name Sonia began to spread in Western and Slavic countries and was very popular in Britain, and Italy. In the United States, Sonia spread widely in the 1930s. In France, it was not until the 1970s that first name has become popular thanks to the fashion designer Sonia Rykiel. Families of Maghrebi origin also adopted this first name but it is less and less attributed in recent years. On the other hand this year, the trend of first names for girls is at first names short with the ending in a. Sonia is going to be seen more and more attributed?

Sonia is a sensitive and affectionate young natural woman, first looking for peace and tranquility. In her professional life, Sonia is sometimes curious, and knows how to be diplomatic in her relationship with others.

Subramanian Swamy won't be able to name Sonia Gandhi in Rajya Sabha (April 2024)