July 4, 2024

The thalassotherapy center of the Thermes de Saint-Malo: throw yourself in the water!

The concept
Health, well-being, beauty, the center of Thalassotherapy thermal baths of Saint-Malo draws the benefits of the sea water to give to the curists the best care. The center focuses on beauty with care detoxifying, masks for the face and body. Dietetics is placed at the center of concerns with fitness including a smooth recovery of physical activity.
The place
With a space of 5000 m² dedicated to care, the center of Thalassotherapy includes 6 pools and 100 individual cabins care.
The speciality
The sport and slimming stay, to keep fit or simply move after years of sedentary life, remains a safe bet in the center. It includes Aquatic Training, endurance activity, in the pool, exclusive to the Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo. It allows everyone to get into or re-enter the sport smoothly and painlessly, under cardiac supervision. This training is completed by care hydrotherapy (baths with seaweed or essential oils ...), outdoor exercise or during physiotherapy sessions. This Sport and Slimming stay also helps to rebalance with pleasure caloric contributions and physical expenses for a better tonus.
The Thalasso des Thermes de Saint-Malo
Prices stay sport and slimming
From 1380?, 6 days / 6 nights at the Grand Hotel des Thermes (4 stars)

Escale Oceania Hotel St Malo (July 2024)