May 14, 2024

The true / false on the solitary pleasure

1. It can help to find sleep
TRUE: The recipe has been tested and approved by many followers. A survey conducted in the United States shows that 39% of Americans practice it to relax before joining the arms of Morpheus. The -biological-explanation is simple: the sexual pleasure and theOrgasm In particular, it leads our brain to produce endorphin, a kind of super anxiolytic that immediately gives a feeling of fullness and well-being. In addition, it lowers blood pressure, which also makes it easier to fall asleep. As effective as sleeping pills and much cheaper for Health Insurance!

2. As its name indicates, it is practiced only
NOT FORCE: If you can actually indulge in face-to-face masturbation with yourself because you do not have a man in your life, or because you want to To offer a little ecstatic session without Darling (one is never better served than by oneself!), this erotic process can also include in the sexual relations that one lives with two. There are indeed boys who love to watch their partner give themselves this type of pleasure. Knowing that their libido is linked to visual stimuli, it promises a real fireworks then!

3. Having bodies only by masturbation is a sign of immature sexuality
FALSE: The ancient theory of Freud lived. In the 21st century, we now know that having orgasms only by stimulation of the clitoris is strictly normal, whether it is our Prince Charming who sticks there where we take care of it alone. And that orgasms vaginal, which are more rare, are very often initiated by a Orgasm clitoral ...

4. It requires endurance as it takes a minimum of 15 minutes to reach orgasm
FALSE; It all depends on the responsiveness of your sensitive areas. If it will be necessary to wait this time even more, for some, to tutelage the seventh sky, ninety seconds chrono can suffice to those who have the express enjoyment, especially if their senses were warmed up before by a book, a film or a naughty phone call ...


5. It allows to better know the detonators of his erotic imagination
TRUE: In solitary pleasure, one is by definition left to oneself. Except exception (see above), there is nice apollo nearby, which can sharpen visually or verbally our desire. To raise the excitement, so we usually do our fantasies. Mental images that can be summoned to better bring theOrgasm - and faster - when we are in full body-to-body with a partner. But maybe this one will be so good that we will not even need it ...

The Psychology of Solitude (May 2024)