May 3, 2024

These women who love countless years: you said cougar?

"I never liked doing like everyone else. When I was 17, I married a man who was 12 years older than me. I had my children quickly and the life of a small housewife submitted to her husband quickly made me disillusioned. After 7 years, against the advice of my relatives and my family, I ended my marriage, I moved and started to work. The daily was not all rosy, the end of the month was difficult and my children sometimes wanted me, but I was free.
When my sons reached adolescence, they chose to live with their father. I understood their decision: it did not mean they rejected me or they did not love me anymore, just that my ex-husband offered them a better life. So I chose to go abroad for a few years. Maghreb, Africa, United States: I lived everywhere, according to my desires.
During all these years, I had some adventures, but nothing serious. Five years ago, I met Sean. I was 41, he was 24. He came to me and tamed me. At first, it was not serious, I thought it could not be. It was fun, light, different. Pleasure, discovery, affection without constraints or obligations. And then the evidence fell on me: I had fallen in love. Fortunately, it was mutual! We moved in together 3 years ago.
The hard part is people's eyes. My children agreed to discuss it at length and came to understand that we were not doing anything wrong. The future worries me little. Obviously, in 5 or 10 years, I will not perhaps hold the same speech but for the moment, I am content to enjoy every moment! "


Why everyone eventually hates me no matter how much they loved me... (May 2024)