April 27, 2024

Turkey moussaka

Turkey moussaka,
a recipe imagined by chef Christophe for CIDEF


Preparation and cooking: 45 minutes
For 6 persons
800g of eggplants
400g of white turkey chopped
200g crushed tomatoes
30g of flour
2 shallots
1/2 garlic clove
5 cl of white wine
15 cl of olive oil
30 cl of milk

Preheat the oven th. 6 (180 ° C). Cut the turkey into small pieces and cut ½ aubergine into brunoise and roast the other aubergines. Sauté the chopped shallots in the pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and add the meat to make it come back. Add white wine, tomatoes, spices, garlic and parsley and simmer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the bechamel sauce and sauté the aubergine brunoise.Remove the flesh of the aubergines, reduce to marmalade and bind to bechamel, add the dice. In the dish au gratin, put half of the aubergines then cover with meat then over put the other half of the aubergines and then cover with bechamel. Bake and brown.

Healthy turkey moussaka recipe | Healthy Food Guide (April 2024)