May 3, 2024

Which deodorant to choose: ball, stick or spray?

Deodorants fall into two categories: those that camouflage odors and those that regulate perspiration. By slowing the production of sweat glands, bacteria grow less rapidly. As a result, rings and smells form more slowly.

Sprays have their unconditional ones. Their use is very simple and they spray a veil that leaves a pleasant sensation of freshness and which regulates or not perspiration. There are mini sizes to put in the purse.

The large ballswhen rolling, place on the armpits a dose of deodorant gel that should be allowed to dry for a few seconds before getting dressed. Their high concentration of aluminum salts make them deodorants to advise women perspiring abundantly. The format of the deodorant-ball makes it possible to slip it in its bag to make some retouches during the day.

The sticks allow to apply the deodorant in solid and dry form. They often contain highly effective moisturizers and antiperspirants.

Sensitive skins and freshly shaved, prefer non-alcoholic deodorants that avoid burning the skin and tingling. Do not hesitate to spend a moisturizer at night under the armpits if necessary;
Our advice
A deodorant is applied on clean and dry skin. To prevent the bacteria, which generate unpleasant odors, from forming, it is advisable to adopt a hygiene irreproachable. The best duo is cleaning with water and soap!

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