July 4, 2024

Writing tips to stay stylish at the sport

Proper sports attire required

Dress required correct, this mention is on all the dressing rooms of the clubs of sport. Yet, to take a closer look, between the misshapen joggings, the really really clean sneakers and the really cool t-shirts, in the gym. sport, our sex appeal takes a big hit.

Rule # 1: Dress Comfortably

The room of sportThis is neither the beginners' ball nor the Sunday outfit in pajamas. No question of arriving in tight pants and Converse. If you want to make yourself a goddess body, do not neglect the material. Take a good pair of sneakers, tailored to your program (running, yoga, fitness ...), comfortable pants, not too tight at the waist and a t shirt that absorbs perspiration.

Rule # 2: Provide a change of clothes

For the brave (and the early birds), the sport in the morning on an empty stomach can be a good way to start the day. But to arrive fresh and smart in the office, do not forget to provide a toilet bag (deo + refreshing wipes + makeup kit express) and an outfit to change after the sport

Rule N ° 3: we ban the velvet jog

Unless you have the physique of a sexy Eva Longoria uktra in Juicy Couture, you absolutely ban the velvet jog under penalty of resembling a Michelin man.

If you follow our advice, Brad Pitt will surely fall into your nets if he were to train in your club. sport !


How I take notes - Tips for neat and efficient note taking | Studytee (July 2024)