July 5, 2024

5 sport ideas for refined legs

The aquabiking
The aquabiking is the sport par excellence to have beautiful legs. It not only helps to refine our legs by losing the few extra pounds accumulated during the winter but also fight against cellulite. The aquabiking is the ideal solution if you want to lose weight quickly. The resistance of the water makes it possible to work the muscles more intensely than during a session of sport normal. For the same movement, it is much more effective. So we work less but better. And the results are faster. Not insignificant bonus: the back and forth of the water on the skin while pedaling acts as an anti-cellulite massage and gradually builds skin cellulite while improving blood and lymphatic circulation. The legs are refined, deflate and the skin becomes smooth again.
When one wants to refine one's legs, one sometimes boycots the jogging because one thinks that this sport muscle too much and inflates thighs and calves instead of sculpting them. An idea totally wrong. Running like water aerobics to make legs tapered. But beware, for this to work, we prefer the endurance to the race of speed (which is going to make the muscles grow too big). The good point of running: it allows to work the entire leg, whether the ankles, muscles of the calves and thighs or even the glutes. A sport full. If we start, we start with 10-minute sessions and increase our training time little by little until we reach 45 minutes.
Swimming with palm
Swimming allows to work the whole body, shoulders, arms but also legs. But if we only want to work on our legs, we will opt for swimming with flippers. To move in the water, one will use only the lower part of the body. Perfect for targeted training and more effective. The fins also help boost muscle work and therefore optimize our efforts. More solicited, the thighs are refined more quickly, the leg is slenderer. And as with water aerobics, the water massage will fight cellulite. Bye bye orange peel.
Do you dream of Jennifer Aniston's long body? Put yourself in Pilates. That's the secret thinness many Hollywood stars. This gym Soft focuses on muscle building and deep muscle work through specific machines and accessories. It allows you to sculpt your body but also to lengthen your muscles. The legs are thus refined little by little.

If you're not a big sportsman, you put everything on foot. And for even more efficiency, we practice brisk walking. It burns a lot more calories while firming the whole body and especially the legs. It also boosts circulation in the lower limbs and thus helps to fight against cellulite.

3-Minute Workout Before Sleep to Slim Down Your Legs (July 2024)