May 6, 2024

6 out of 10 women consult their cell during sex

"Wait darling, two seconds ..." she said, pulling herself out of bed to grab her mobile phone, lying on the bedside table. Beside, darling is the head, vexed that Madame has abandoned in the middle of part of legs in the air, to consult his smartphone. This scene seems ridiculous, unrealistic or even shocking? And yet, she is real. A recent study, conducted by the UK site, published by the Huffington Post, has indeed looked into the subject. And the results are more than astonishing. According to the survey of 1700 British women, 62% of women surveyed reportedly sexual intercourse to watch their mobile phone, against 48% of men. But it was not, for the most part, a simple look at their mobile. 30% would have answered a call, and 20% would have taken the time to read a text or e-mail and even answer it. What destabilize the partner!

Mona Chalabi, researcher for the Guardian, interviewed by the Huffington Post, however, tempers this data: "It seems that this survey did not take into account the frequency. sexual intercourse once to respond to an urgent appeal is a very different indication of the sexual life of the British than the one given here - that the British are increasingly distracted by their sex".

Another recent study, led by Harri Interactive, revealed that 20% of young adults with a smartphone in the United States used it during their legs in the air. Another British survey, dating from 2012 this time, indicated that one-third of men answered the phone at a sexual intercourse. Alarming data, rather disturbing, even discouraging. The sex will it be soon, and only 2.0?

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