May 18, 2024

7 great reasons to go jogging

1.To intensify sexual relations
This is the first good reason, not always the one you think. Beyond the loss of stress that promotes libido, the warming of the body caused by the race also plays as an aphrodisiac.

2. To curve his buttocks
The work of the gluteus means brings you closer to the ultimate goal, to eliminate the saddlebags.

3. To (re) find a flat stomach
Even without lying down on the belly on fire, abs working. The more you stand straight, the more the belly works.

4. To stop smoking (without taking any extra pounds)
It's a little double effect kiss cool! Some studies show that practicing jogging helps stop smoking. The reason ? Destressing, the jogging helps to become aware of our body and promote a good self-image. Moreover, by the cardiovascular effort that it requires, the jogging helps to work the breath.

5. To sleep the sleep of the just
Rather than feeling tired (only) by 10 hours of computer screen, the race relaxes the muscles and causes a beneficial physical fatigue (run around 17 hours) that promotes falling asleep.

6.To fight the spleen
This is one of the virtues of jogging recognized for a long time: this sport is the only 100% effective antidepressant.

7. To give birth with a little less pain
In addition to the effect thinness, the jogging decreases stress and perception of pain, especially through increased beta-endorphins.

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