April 26, 2024

A shrink denounces the madness of the diets

In his work Eat in peace, the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Gerard Apfeldorfer, specialized in the study of eating behaviors and in the treatment of its dysfunctions, strongly denounces the obsession with thinness, and the eating behaviors that it entails in our society. The aim of the book is to fight against "food scares". According to the author, it is necessary to "listen" above all, and learn how to choose the right foods.

The author teaches the reader how to consume well, and meet "its energy needs in nutrients, vitamins and minerals". Advice is also provided to parents on how to educate children to good food.

Eating disorders linked to the obsession with thinness worry more and more associations and authorities. In its Youth Health Plan, presented on February 27th, the Minister of Health, Roselyne Bachelot, announced the upcoming signing of a charter with professionals in the body image sector, to "suppress the apology of the body. 'extreme thinness and anorexia'.

Eat in peace, by Gérard Apfeldorfer, published by Odile Jacob
320 pages, 22 euros

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