May 18, 2024

After the ceramic knife, the 100% crystal knife

You had succumbed to the charm and efficiency of the knife ceramic, let yourself be seduced without further delay by the knife 100% crystal, whose blade is both stronger, but also sharper than other knives on the market.
After 2 years of work the design office of Cookut, a young Lyon brand specializing in cooking tools, launches Darkmatter: the first knife whole cut in zircon.
For the designer Théo Dumont, "the challenge was to design, for the first time in the world, a knife complete with this ore, and get a blade almost as hard as the diamond "because" Zircon, discovered 4 billion years ago is the strongest mineral after diamond. "Therefore, no risk that this blade does not break or break against a core or bone. DarkMatter, a funny name?
So this little jewel made of a block, like a flint is the symbol of a return to natural materials, dear to the principles of the brand. An approach that is translated into the name given to the utensil. DarkMatter means in French the "dark matter". This is how physicists have called this strange and invisible matter that represents 90% of the mass of the universe. This mass, though undetectable by our simple senses, is everywhere around us. For the brand, this name was also a way of "highlighting the strange and confusing appearance of this knife extraordinary".
The price of DarkMatter, published in limited series (from 1 to 500), only confirms its rarity. Count 640? for this knife unclassifiable. And yes, "what is rare is expensive ..."

See also:

A Bird Shaped Knife? (May 2024)