May 1, 2024

Alcohol and pregnancy: disturbing figures ...

The National Institute of Health Surveillance (INVS) published alarming figures in its Epidemiological Bulletin of May 2013. From the National Perinatal Survey conducted in France in 2010 *, they indicate that 23% of women consume alcoholic beverages during the pregnancy. 7% of women pregnant report drinking at least two drinks per day, while 2% of women report drinking three or more drinks while pregnancy.

An amazing profile
These disturbing figures support the finding that women of childbearing age are largely uninformed about the dangers associated with high alcohol use during pregnancy. pregnancyHowever, it should not be inferred that risky behaviors are mainly found in the youngest women and in the most disadvantaged groups. On the contrary, expectant mothers who reported having consumed alcohol during their pregnancy are often older, have a long education (level Bac +3 or higher), occupy a position with high incomes and are already mum.

Known risks
The effects of heavy alcohol consumption during pregnancy are known and have been the subject of many studies. According to Dr. Paul Lemoine, a fetus whose mother regularly drinks alcohol during her pregnancy for example, increased risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, with craniofacial dysmorphia, intellectual disability and intrauterine growth retardation.

Convincing results
The results of the study published by the INVS show that the rate of prematurity (delivery before 37 completed weeks of amenorrhea) and the percentage of hypotrophy are higher for women who report drinking two glasses of alcohol. or more during an ordinary day, while they were pregnant.

* Survey conducted on a representative sample of more than 13000 women in metropolitan France.

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