May 18, 2024

Alessandra Ambrosio, Amber Heard ... Dog Coloring Adepts

If they are extremely pampered and rarely touch the ground, the dogs of stars do not always see life in pink. On the other hand, more and more people are turning pink. The new fad of the people seems indeed to dye their dog darling in a girly color absolutely not natural. After the nail polish, our dogs victims of the fashion thus pass to the coloring little Poney.

In March, Amber Heard appeared in the streets of New York Yorkshire in arms. A priori, not enough to cry wolf. But looking closer, in addition to his ponytail so eighties, the dog also has paws and ears colored pink. A shaded hair canin psychedelic version that finally makes little player compared to the totally pink Maltese bichonEmma Watson. A coloring for the good cause because it was to raise money for the fight against breast cancer but that was still scandalous. Which did not seem to bother Alessandra Ambrosio. The top has indeed appeared this weekend with a rainbow dog, body dyed pink and paws and ears in purple!

However, these appearances triggered the wrath of PETA and other animal rights groups. This new fashion, remember that it was initiated a few years ago by Paris Hilton, it says a lot, so do not run the risk of many followers. A real dog life!

EXCLUSIVE : Amber Heard walking down the Croisette in Cannes (May 2024)