April 29, 2024

All about bulimia

When the'food becomes an object of obsession, shame, excessive conduct, an opportunity to harm oneself, bulimic people live a ordeal whose cause must be sought in emotional, behavioral, psychological and social factors .

Bulimia is defined
by excessive ingestion offood in a compulsive and uncontrolled way, lived in a paroxysm of anxiety. Thefood then chosen is very caloric to fill the state of deep unease. Guilt following the crisis very often triggers an opposite phase of vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, intense physical exercise, even restriction offood to compensate for the caloric intake.

Beginning often in adolescence,
Bulimia primarily affects girls. It is linked to an image of the pathological body. It is coupled in many cases with diseases such as depression or disorders such as anorexia, anxiety and addictive behavior.

is today to understand the causes of bulimic behavior and to learn how to manage it. To do this, the usual methods recommended are psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral therapy or even family therapy.
Our advice
In addition to behavioral therapy, it is important that the person suffering from bulimic behavior be followed by a doctor because the phases of excess food alternate with vomiting can damage the digestive system, starting with the teeth, gums, stomach, esophagus ... then generate undernutrition or even lead to heart failure.

Bulimia nervosa - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology (April 2024)