May 5, 2024

All about reflexology

Marion Choffée, certified in reflexology Plantar, answer our questions about this branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What is reflexology?
There are many reflexology. The reflexology Plantar is a manual method that is based on the principle of projection on the feet of different parts of the body, called reflex zones. They are manually stimulated by rhythmic pressures to locate tensions and restore energy balance in the corresponding body parts. In summary, we do small massages on areas of the foot that represent areas we want to reach in the body. The foot is actually a miniature of the body and each part of the body corresponds to an area in the foot.

Where did this come from ?
The reflexology was born in China and Japan about 4,000 years ago. There are traces of it also in Ancient Egypt. Around 2,500 years ago, Egyptians practiced foot massage. 500 years after JC, it is found in Asia. It is from this period that dates the oldest known cartography called "feet of Buddha" or "feet of Vishnu" because the reflexology spread through Buddhism. One sees there that such zone is the foot, such zone the liver, etc. The reflexology was introduced to the West by an American physiotherapist, Eunice Ingham. It has developed a new cartography, very different from the old one, and it is this one that is used today.

What's the cure?
All methods are holistic. The symptom is treated by taking into account the totality of the person. We are looking for what is behind the symptom. It can be used for the treatment of chronic disorders: psychosomatic disorders, insomnia, digestive disorders. It can also be used as a booster technique to relieve pain. It relieves and improves the ground in many pathologies: chronic migraines, menstrual pains, cramps, tendonitis, lumbago ... But like all natural medicine, it does not cure serious diseases. Today, many people use it for the purpose of welfare and relaxation.

Who is it for ?
For everyone. It heals everything that is treated by natural medicine. There are still some contraindications. It is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy because certain points can open the small pelvis. The foot or ankle is also not handled in the event of a sprain, sprain or bruises, injury or major circulatory problems (phlebitis, thrombosis ...) or skin problems on the foot.

What happens during a session ?
The person is lying, the foot a little elevated. We start with relaxation manipulations. This allows you to feel things by the heat or the cold. We test all areas of the foot and when we feel that there is accumulation, we will work on the area. The foot makes it possible to make the diagnosis like a map of the body. The double bodies are found in both feet. Otherwise, the right part of the body is found in the right foot and the left in the left foot. The toes correspond to the head and we find the other organs in the rest of the foot. We diagnose and then treat only on the foot, but by reflex action, we act on the whole body. We relax and act on pathology.
Nopeg, 69 rue d'Argout, Paris 75002, 01 42 33 15 54

What is Foot Reflexology - Foot Massage And Benefits - How to do Foot Reflexology Step By Step (May 2024)