April 26, 2024

Aquarius Horoscope 2011 - Ancestry

Aquarius Horoscope 2011: the influence of your ascendant

Aquarius ascending Aries: The good planetary aspects of the year should help you greatly in your professional life. Your efforts will not be in vain, and people of good counsel will come to your aid. However, do not expect victories on a platter: you still have to fight with all your strength. And then, there will be reason to fear a conflict, perhaps a contentious matter.

Aquarius ascending Taurus: To live in love, you will need more than ever to live hidden and lying down. If possible, take a long vacation to get you to the antipodes a den worthy of your burning love. In any case, take a thousand precautions to escape the prying eyes.

Aquarius ascending Gemini: Great year to reorganize the management of your finances. You can benefit from expert advice from specialists in the field. You will also make financially profitable meetings.

Aquarius ascending Cancer: Having the right solar influx in your pocket, you will have a lot of luck in your contacts, whether professionally, friendly or sentimental. Do not stay both feet in the same hoof! In business, the appointments will give good results.

Aquarius ascending Lion: It will be time to take a serious look at managing your finances and take aggressive action to stop the current bleeding. Try to limit yourself strictly to essential, incompressible expenses, and give up all the rest. Indeed, "the necessary things cost little, the superfluous things are expensive" (Diogenes the Cynic). Your efforts will be rewarded.

Ascendant Aquarius Virgin: You will enter a year where your love life will be favored. Have confidence in yourself and do not hesitate to multiply the meetings, because they can lead to a sustainable union, especially for singles of the third decan.

Aquarius Ascending Balance: With the blessing of the stars, relationships with children will be interesting. You will communicate to them your dynamism, and you will know how to listen to them whenever they wish. All this will make your mutual contacts very rewarding.

Ascending Aquarius Scorpion: No, this year will not be quiet and without history, because the planet Neptune will be there to make you raise waves. It must be said that you will have the chic to trigger the aggressiveness of your entourage, family but also professional, and to provoke clashes. Very fine are the natives of the sign who will be able to control themselves and show patience, tolerance and understanding.

Ascending Aquarius Sagittarius: This solar climate, extremely dynamic, will endow you with a fire so that you will be able to demolish all the obstacles that stand in your way. You will realize your dearest professional or social ambitions. On the other hand, you will have trouble solving your emotional problems, because you will not want to hear any compromise, tolerance or understanding!

Aquarius ascending Capricorn: The stars will make you live. Relaxed, carefree, you will be able to spare you moments of leisure, that you will savor fully. Take a step back if any problem threatens to haunt you.

Aquarius ascending Aquarius: Side hearts, this year, presided over by Venus, should bring you great satisfaction. Not in the form of shattering encounters or tumultuous passions, but in terms of intimacy, complicity and sensuality. Everything will be felted, vaporous, even ethereal, as you like it. Dissent will fade, tensions will fade, and the marks of attachment will express themselves exquisitely.

Aquarius ascending Pisces: Astral sky without clouds. You will feel light and carefree, so life will be easy and enjoyable. Your romantic relationships will fill you with joy and happiness. Excellent year to make projects of all kinds, especially to forge a good philosophy of life. It will also be the moment to fill up with optimism and confidence, in anticipation of more difficult times ahead.

AQUARIUS~Releasing the Old, True Happiness~Tarot & Oracle Reading (April 2024)