May 5, 2024

Break, advantages and disadvantages


A break allows you to face yourself, to take a step back from your relationship, and calmly analyze your desires and needs. It will be even more beneficial for the couple if both partners have made this decision together.

A break will test his feelings, ask the right questions. Do I miss him? Do I feel unhappy without him? How did we get there ? Substantive questions that will help move forward.

A break can revive the passion of the beginnings. The idea of ​​losing one's half sharpens the feeling of love. Everyone realizes that he can not live without the other. Result: it's even better than before.

A break makes it possible to change air. It can be very helpful in a couple who lives together. It is quite normal to have a couple feeling stifled. And if you decided with your partner to leave you a little freedom? Changing the environment for a few days will free you from the heavy atmosphere that may prevail at some point in a relationship. We separate then to better meet!

The inconvenients

A break can turn into a nightmare. If you decide to take a break in your relationship when the man does not agree, he can grant himself, under the pretext of the break, the right to live his freedom, which can lead him to have small flirtations with other women, or worse to start a new life with another.

A break can represent a breaking disguised. A man (or woman) can ask for a break because he is too cowardly to end a relationship. Repeated breaks are, for example, a sign of difficulty breaking. In this case, the break is terribly frustrating because it implies that the couple still has a chance.

A break is dangerous for the future of your couple. Remember that uncertainty is always scary. Do not control for months the half-time schedule, the people he sees is often hard to live for one of the two. After the break, complicity can give way to jealousy. The break then announces itself as a time bomb.

A break is a risky bet. If this temporary remoteness is for you a strategy for your man to realize how crazy he is about you, be really careful. Your other half may suddenly realize that he loves his freedom and that he is not really ready to engage with you. Do not encourage him to ask questions that he has never asked before.

A break is therefore double-edged. If a break in the relationship can revive a dormant passion, it can also lead to the annihilation of that love. So no rush!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Break even analysis Part 3 (May 2024)