May 1, 2024

Celebrations: discover the beauty devices

False eyelashes
Still need to know how to put them! It can scare you like that, and yet you can make real doe eyes. These are synthetic fibers fixed on an ultra thin strip which recreates the curve of eyelashes.

The day before, test the glue on your wrist to make sure you do not make any allergic reaction. Clean and dry your eyelids properly. Cut the bangs with scissors to fit the size of your eyes. You are ready for the break. Lay a thin layer of glue at the root of your eyelashes and put the false eyelashes by pressure, always at the root of eyelashes.

Then, pass a line of black eyeliner to make
disappear the trace of glue and apply a mascara
at the end of eyelashes so that the true and the false are confounded!

To remove them, nothing is easier! Peel them gently from the inside to the outside. Clean your eyes with a cotton cleanser and you're done!

To know : Do not sleep so be careful not to end up too drunk and fall asleep with,
the result would not be great!

Hair additions
Ideal to impress the gallery! These locks or hair bands (synthetic or natural) are fixed on your real hair. You can go from short to long or simply titillate your existing lengths.

If you want to do it yourself, you will normally have to deal with hair synthetic. In this case, twist a wick around the spring that holds the add-on or, simply, clip it into the hair.

If you are looking for a more natural and less festive, then it will go through the barber box! In general, prices are around 5? the wick and from 600? the head completes. The life of these little wonders is about 6 months. The interview is quite heavy since it is necessary to adopt a new ritual at home: we wash hair back, we brush them every day with a boar bristle brush, dry it hair is used to 15 cm closer ...

To remove them, the "welded" locks are to be removed exclusively by the hairdressers.

To know : For a reduced cost, the "bar with extensions" clips you of hair natural on strips 13 cm wide. The box of three wicks amounts to 60? and the pose is free.

Color lenses
These silicone hydrogel irises, very flexible, arise on the eye for a rendering that can sometimes be really original. Not only multiple colors and varied, these little jewels can even have patterns.

First, remember to clean your hands so you do not get dirt in your eyes. Open the protective film and take the lens from the tip of the index finger. Spread your eyelids with your other hand, look up and drop it on the eye.

To remove them, proceed in the same way as to put them. If your lenses are for everyday use, discard them as they do not keep. If they are for a monthly use, immerse them each evening in a suitable solution.

To know You can buy them from opticians, with a large choice of colors for monthly or daily use, with or without correction.

False nails
What a beautiful invention! Are you tired of looking at your nibbled nails as if you have not eaten in a century? We understand you. Only you have to know how to handle these little magic capsules.

The commercially available kits contain glue, cuticle stick and 24 false nails.

Select your size. You should normally find exactly that of your nails. If this is not the case, nothing prevents you from having a file to solve the problem. Once you have classified each capsule, wash your hands. To glue a capsule, pinch it with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand and lay it flat, half a millimeter from the cuticle. Press for about twenty seconds and repeat for all your nails.

To remove them, do not you dare to tear them off! Immerse your fingers in an acetone-based solution until the glue dissolves. Then take off gently.

To know : many tips are possible to make beautiful original creations so do not hesitate! Sequins, flashy colors, prints, piercings, french manicure ....

The fake beauty mark
To put where it sings you, the size you want ...It's up to you to make room for your imagination and your desires.

The best is to draw it with a long-lasting eyeliner, preferably black. There are two main types that will give you a nice result: eyeliner gel or felt brush.

If you do not want to miss you, there is still the possibility of going to a pro but be careful, it will offer you a permanent mole! In summary: a tattoo. So do not be fooled about where you will make it appear, you may regret it!

To remove it, a simple little pass of make-up remover is enough. For the permanent, take RDV directly with a dermatologist specializing in laser.

HSN | HSN Today: Smashbox Cosmetics Celebration / Silk'n Beauty Celebration 07.06.2017 - 07 AM (May 2024)