May 18, 2024

Charlene Wittstock vs. Grace Kelly: Monaco's special squares duel

The two blond women, in love with Monegasque princes, are constantly being compared. Charlène Wittstock and Grace Kelly have a pretty close course, commoners and stars in their field ...

Let's add a capillary comparison with these squares worn by the Hollywood stars of the 50s. We like face with fine features, their incandescent blondness and their frank and seductive look.

Grace Kelly has the haughty bearing and natural grace eternalized by his films and his many portraits. Her hairstyle is perfectly notched and the wave on the side gives a very charming movement to the whole.

As for the future princess, Charlène Wittstock seems to be in control of the retro corrugated square but his posture and his open smile make him look more clumsy ... and most importantly, the little hull on the top of his hairstyle is less easy to wear.

Verdict: 1 to 0 for Grace Kelly !

Charlene Wittstock VS Grace Kelly (May 2024)