July 2, 2024

Couple life: when to go to see a marriage counselor?

Before the crisis

Should we wait until we have problems with couples to see a marriage counselor? Not necessarily. Indeed, living in pairs is not obvious. That's why you often have to learn to be together on a daily basis.

In order not to leave room for undesirables and tensions, it may be interesting to see a marriage counselor from the first months of wedding for example. This allows to install a real quality of life in the daily life of the couple, to learn to live better together.

Being in pairs, in good harmony, often requires work, so let things start as well. If living in pairs scares you, this will allow you to put all the chances on your side to succeed your couple life.
At the moment of the crisis

It is a fact, we expect most often to be in crisis to find solutions. Many couples are waiting to be deadlocked before consulting a marriage counselor. Many moments in life can lead to this situation: the arrival of a child, problems at work, a infidelity, retirement, the everyday simply.

Through their sessions with the marriage counselor, the couples try to re-establish the dialogue, to say things to the other, to override all the unspoken sometimes painful. Moreover, it happens that the marriage counselor is there to help the breaking and not to reconciliation. The goal is always to help and accompany to help the couple through their crises.

Couples in Counselling 1 (July 2024)