April 29, 2024

Couple who lasts: 5 tips to preserve the love

Have common projects
A couple is first and foremost about projects: moving in together, buying an apartment, starting a family ... They make it possible to look into a common future, to move forward together and to strengthen the strength of the relationship. Of course, they can be lighter like going on a weekend or going to a restaurant.

To please
Routine is inevitable in a duet. It is dangerous when lovers no longer behave like two strangers who live together. A compliment, a gift or a little attention, can be enough to brighten the day of the other and show him how much we love him.

Seduce each other
When we are in a relationship, we often think that "it's won. Now, life with two is built every day. If we are not careful, we end up considering his lover as an asset and efforts diminish to seduce him. But it is precisely this attitude that weakens the relationship.

Have ambition
In life, one often has ambition for his work. It is important to keep this spirit for her love life, so that she can move forward and move forward. Thus, one becomes an actor of his couple and not passive, to wait for the other to take all the initiatives.

To build progressively
Each tandem is different and has its own cruising speed. There is no need to put pressure on the pretext that the marriage is still far away or that the baby is slow to arrive. All people need more or less time to address the major stages of life.