May 1, 2024

Discover a sport: aquapunching or aquaboxing

Practicing aquaboxing involves mimicking a boxing fight underwater. Aquaboxing is the aquatic version of the body fight. It is a mix of practices inspired by martial arts, karate, kick boxing and boxing.

To practice this gym underwaterIt is essential to equip yourself with rubber gloves and shoes.

The aquaboxing allows above all to let off steam while muscling without any danger for your joints. The interest of this sport is that it is practiced in the water, so you do not risk hurting yourself by making a false move ...

An aquaboxing session lasts 45 minutes and begins with a series of classic aquagym warm-ups. After 5 minutes of exercises, the body fight under the water starts, feet and fists in movement. The "plus" of this sport is that the resistance created by water doubles the muscular work.

You are initiated then with three strokes: direct, hook and uppercut. Then, to work the legs, you discover the "kicks": kick right, side and back. The session ends with stretches while relaxing.

Each movement is executed with energy, working breathing, which results in intense muscular effort. Throughout the sessions, you will improve your concentration while controlling gestures and postures, in order to keep the balance in the water.

Practicing aquaboxing is beneficial in more ways than one : this sport causes a hydro massage that tones the whole body and acts against cellulite. It allows to regalbe the whole body.

Everyone can practice this sport provided you have good resistance because the endurance is put to the test.

Courses can be taken in most club chains gym. Do not hesitate to inquire at the aqua gym centers near you. The rate is on average 25? for a 45-minute session.

Our advice:
It is better to practice this sport in fitness centers, because classes are supervised by real professionals.

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