April 26, 2024

Do you still love your spouse? 8 questions to ask yourself to take stock

Do you like spending time with him?
After the office, do you want to join your man or you do everything to find excuses to go out with a girlfriend, have a drink with colleagues in the office. Love is often confused with a sense of security. Remember that your companion is not there to alleviate a possible loneliness. If you just need him to reassure you, your relationship must be questioned.

Do you want to make him happy?
Have you recently wanted to hold a surprise candlelit dinner, give her a small gift? Or are you rather like forgetting your birthday? Love is maintained by many gestures, attentions. When you do not like it, it becomes difficult to hurt your partner. If you are indifferent to his desires, his moods, it is that you do not hold enough to him. It's time to open your eyes.

Do you communicate?
Talking with your partner is essential to build a lasting relationship. It is important to want to confide in him. Even the arguments are rather healthy in a couple, they translate a desire to make things happen. Since silence settles in a couple, it's a very bad sign.

Do you still want him?
Remember the last time you had sex? It seems very far. Sex is of paramount importance and reveals the complicity of a couple. For a love to last, there must be regular sexual activity and shared satisfaction. But beware, it is also normal to know a drop in libido at certain times.

Do you think about your man during the day?
During the day, do you ever give him a call just to find out if he's fine? Are you curious to know how he spent his day without you? If you think about him during the day, it's because some of you are still in love.

Do you feel better alone?
To find out, just take a short distance. A separation can serve as an electroshock. Indeed, it will allow you to provoke the lack, to understand that you can not live one without the other or that on the contrary you are better alone! It's a very good way to take stock.

Are you proud of him?
When a woman is in love, she is proud of her companion, she does not stop to emphasize it. When we love more, we tend to belittle his partner, to always see what's wrong with him! If so, leave before you can not stand it and ruin your story completely.

Do you do projects together?
It is important in a couple to look in the same direction. Do you want to build a family with him? To buy a house? Projects are part of building a couple. If you want to share moments with your man, to move with him is that you are on the right path!

If you answer NO to all of these questions, it is obviously a sign that your relationship is bad and you may need to consider a break or breaking. If you have a majority of YES, it is because your couple is in good health!


If You Can't Say "YES!" To These 2 Questions, Break Up With Them NOW? (April 2024)