May 2, 2024

Exercises to slim down

In the same way as to refine the upper body, you need to alternate sports in order to solicit all the muscles of the body but especially privilege the cardiovascular activities which eliminate the fats. At the rhythm level, make sure you have at least 3 sessions per week, one hour non-stop.

3 objectives, 6 exercises
Refine your thighs
Lying on the left side, legs bent, the head rests on the left arm, keep your back straight. Raise your right leg, still flexed, keeping your right knee at maximum parallel with the ground. Perform 3 sets of 15 moves on each side.
Variation: Always lie on the left side, left leg flexed, extend the right. Make large circles with this right leg. Make 3 sets of 15 rotations on each side.

Redraw your buttocks
On 4 legs, with your back straight, spread your knees shoulder-width apart. Reassemble the left knee to the chest and stretch your leg backwards. Perform 3 sets of 15 moves on each side.
Variation: Always on 4 legs, raise the left leg, always bent, on the side. Perform 3 sets of 15 readings on each side.

Eliminate your belly
Lying on your back, with your arms around your body, raise your knees on your chest. Lift your pelvis, hold the position for 3 seconds and then lower it gently. Make 3 sets of 10.
Variation: Always lie on your back, place your legs vertically. Raise your pelvis again, hold the position for 3 seconds then slowly lower it. Make 3 sets of 10.

3-Minute Workout Before Sleep to Slim Down Your Legs (May 2024)