May 5, 2024

First name classical or original, what consequences for my child?

The safe values
If you are more classic, choose the first name of your child will not necessarily depend on rankings and the latest trends: in many families, it is traditional to give first name grandparents. The advantage for you and your child : a common story to which you can relate when you grow up. The other benefit of a first name classic, like Paul, or Louise is their side mat. With them, no risk of mockery or discrimination!

A bit of originality does not hurt
Break with the eternal first names which are transmitted from generation to generation is not so bad either, and it allows to fully appropriate this choice as a parent. Several possibilities are thus available to you, to draw in the Official of the First whoever will do your child a remarkable person for sure, make a choice of heart with a first name "Reported" of a trip ... The only criterion to remember is that it pleases the dad and the mother without prejudice to thechild. Today, for example, first names given in the 80s and 90s as Kevin or Jennifer are very marked "tv series".

What consequences?
Some first names do not necessarily bring happiness. Thus, a study published by the sociologist Baptiste Coulmont highlighted the social discriminations related to first name : more than 25% of Madeleine, Irene or Como had a TB mention in the bac, while barely 8 Cassandra or Sabrina out of 500 could have this chance. Latest fashion in this matter, give to his children the name of objects or brand like Apple or Mac. The danger: teasing at school, and especially important social marking.

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