May 5, 2024

For Lili, Marie-Noël Rio

One of the most beautiful books Back in the fall of 2005. In the stream of novels published recently, this little text catches the eye.

The book opens with a photograph, that of Lili, that the narrator will meet and love. Lili is a woman in the decline of her life. Her husband, a famous writer, has passed away. The narrator is younger, works, travels, takes a few lovers. These two women will weave between them a singular love story, love both filial and passionate.

If Marie-Noël Rio describes the seasons, the time, the decor of the house where they meet, she also narrates with finesse and sensitivity the unites that unite the two women in the mourning of the beings they loved, but also in conversations, laughter, anger.

The rhythm and the construction perfectly accompany the stripped-down style, imbued with restrained emotion, which is the strength of Marie-Noël Rio's writing: no exacerbated sentimentality, the right, delicate words that touch and send the reader back to his life, his doubts.

That's not a book sad, it is a moving, elegant reflection, on the mourning certainly, but especially on the love, the strength which it gives to those who are crossed there.

Published to all young editions of the Sonneur, this sensitive text really deserves that one stops there.

Marie-Noël Rio is a director and playwright. In a very different register, she also wrote two books very funny cooking: "I do not know how to receive" (Flammarion) and "I do not know how to cook" (I read).

For Lili, Marie-Noël Rio (Editions du Sonneur, 68 pages, 12?)
Sylvie Bernabé holds the quai des brumes bookstore, 120, Grand Rue, 67000, Strasbourg

Tudo sobre meu trabalho e tour pelo estúdio de ilustrações | Lalelilolu Studios • Lu Azevedo (May 2024)