July 4, 2024

From birth, put yourself in the "PAJE"

Between the expenses to buy the equipment of baby, layettes and baby bottles, the arrival of baby generates a lot of costs. Not to mention the nanny that will soon pay. To help parents, CAF has implemented the Early Childhood Benefit (PAJE).

The PAJE includes a birth bonus, a basic allowance, a free choice of child care option and a complementary free choice of activity. To obtain it, you must wait or have a baby, have adopted or collected a baby for adoption.

The purpose of the birth (or adoption) bonus is to help you in the first months of your baby's life. To have it, simply declare your pregnancy to the CAF as well as to the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) in the first 14 weeks. But his obtaining is subject to conditions of income, family situation ...

The basic allowance is monthly and paid until the child is 3 years old. She too, is subject to condition.

The complementary free choice of childcare reimburses part of the childcare expenses by a maternal assistant or a home childcare provider.

As for the supplement of free choice of activity, it consists of a payment of money in case of reduction of the professional activity, and this, during 6 months if you have only one toddler or until its 3 years if you in have several. You can receive this help even if you can not benefit from the basic allowance. Its amount depends on your situation and the duration of the payment varies according to the number of children.

You Belong With Me Edward Cullen (July 2024)