May 1, 2024

Give yourself real moments of relaxation: the 2014 resolution

It's time for good resolutions. There are some that we will hold, others we will not keep. Whatever ... It's all about asking the right questions at the beginning of this new year. One thing is clear: the French are paying more and more attention to their well-being and to the relaxation. The French Federation of Physical Education and Gymnastics (FFEPGV) has just submitted, for the third year in a row, its Sport-Health Barometer.

While the sport was the priority resolution of the French for 2013, it ranks second for 2014, behind the resolution of "reserving real moments of relaxation" (38% in 2014 / versus 36% in 2013 and 37% in 2012). In second position, we find: "to make sport "(34% in 2014 versus 37% in 2013 and 32% in 2012). Third priority: "Take better care of your body (29% in 2014 versus 28% in 2013 and 19% in 2012). The resolution follows: "Spend more time with friends and family" (28% in 2014 versus 27% in 2013 and 34% in 2012).

As for the resolutions aimed at reducing excesses and depriving them of diet, alcohol, cigarettes and time spent in front of a screen, they continue, for the third consecutive year, to be quoted by less than one French in four ...

This study also reveals to us that the French judge, this year again, their state of form relatively mediocre. Asked about it, they give it an average score of 6.2 / 10 (a bit more than last year: 5.8 / 10). It should be noted, however, that there is a noticeable difference between French sportsmen and those who do not. The former give a rating of 5.8 / 10 to their form, the latter a score of 6.5 / 10. Note that the score increases with the number of hours of sport (5.9 / 10 for one hour of sport practiced, 7/10 for five hours and more sport convenient).

How are you?

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