May 18, 2024

Hello Doctor, my legs are heavy - the tricks of writing

If the sensation of heavy legs can be a symptom of venous insufficiency and require a medical diagnosis, in many cases it is a bad habit or hormonal problem quite common in women. With some tips, you can probably get rid of these annoyances, follow the guide!

Tip # 1: Raise your legs

In the evening, after a day in the sun, do not hesitate to pass your legs for 2-3 minutes under a jet of fresh water, ideal to get rid of this feeling of heavy legs. Another tip, raise the legs at night with a cushion.

Tip # 2: Walk!

Among the frequent factors that explain these heavy legs, a lifestyle too sedentary. To activate a venous circulation a little lazy, we practice 30 minutes of walking a day!

Tip N ° 3: we mass!

To relax his legs, we plique a fresh gel (mint for its ice cube effect) that we keep in the fridge to increase its effect! We massage our legs starting from the feet up to the thighs. Whipping effect guaranteed freshness is the double effect kiss cool!

Tip # 4: Drink ... a lot of water

Varicosities and water retention often go hand in hand. Also, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day or more when it is very hot.

Tip # 5: During a long trip

Car, train, plane ... you will sit for hours. Remember to take off your shoes and roll a tennis ball under the soles of your feet

Attention: if your problems persist, it is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor or to make an echo-doppler at a phelobologue

पैर दर्द का घरेलू उपचार - 3 Remedies For Leg Pain Relief Treatment-Health Tips Hindi by Sachin Goyal (May 2024)