June 30, 2024

Hot weather alert: what to do / not to do in case of extreme heat?

It is part of a hot weekend with temperatures approaching 40 degrees in most regions (except Brittany and the regions near the Channel). For those who do not have a swimming pool to immerse themselves in for the whole weekend, in the shade of an umbrella and a glass of ice water at your fingertips, here are some tips to remember.


1. Make window close

Closed window, freshness preserved! As long as the outside temperature is higher than that of your home, enjoy and protect yourself from the sun monster!

2.11-21 hours: the fatal time slot

It's to make you want to live at night. In fact, the "hot hours" in hot weather, are spread over a large part of the day. As much as possible, avoid going out at these times and obviously, do not expose yourself.

3. Drink at least 1.5 a day

The risk of the heat wave, which increases exponentially in infants and the elderly, is dehydration. Thus, the health authorities recommend drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Older people are less aware of their dehydration status, so it is important to watch closely for refreshment.

4. Avoid alcohol and coffee

Of course, only water really dehydrates. But all water-rich liquids, fruits and vegetables are welcome ... except for alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages that increase urine secretion.

5. Double ration of water in the sun

Double or triple depending on the time spent outside, for people who are forced by their work. A glass of water every 15 to 20 minutes is recommended.

6. Quadruple ration for sportsmen

The 2 liters of ordinary water are not enough for those who pursue their sport in hot weather. We can swallow up to 8 liters of water to compensate for losses.

7. Drink, yes ... But also moisten!

Showers of course, and compresses water, wet clothes ... The skin will appreciate being covered with liquid. It is also sometimes a smarter way to hydrate. Indeed, the elderly, for example, can make edema if they drink well over 2 liters of water a day. When the sweat glands do not work well, it is better to use compresses!


Europe's heat wave breaks France’s record high (June 2024)