July 2, 2024

Learn to recognize seasonal fruits and vegetables

strawberries, tomatoes, apples ... we find on our stalls all year or almost. These products come from all over the planet, have been picked green and have traveled thousands of kilometers. It's not very profitable for the planet or our wallet. But how to be sure of eating in season? The best is to get a schedule of fruits and vegetables, to join an Amap or to pick yourself these fruits and vegetables in a farm picking.

Soups vegetables, winter pleasures

Autumn-winter delights
When summer is gone, as the cold weather arrives, the products change. Goodbye fruits of summer, what we want now is a good velvety. Yes, but what! You have the choice: pumpkin-chestnut, potimarron-side of chard ... It is also the season of the cabbage which one consumes cold in salad, jumped in a Wok, or simmered with small vegetables. Do not forget the little treasures of the undergrowth: mushrooms that can be made in sauce or slightly sautéed in butter. In Autumn, apples are back on the stalls and promise little apple-nut crumble to die for. They can also be quartered in a small salad of lamb's lettuce with some walnuts. The ultimate comfort when winter finally arrives arrives with clementine and its citrus friends. In addition to their richness in vitamin C, they bring to our dishes and desserts, a little irresistible touch of acidity.

Radish, a vegetable of spring

Treasures of spring
In March and April, nature begins to wake up, the sun comes back and with it a little more choice in our plates: a small soup with sorrel with a little cream, carrots with cumin, or a velvety of peas, will hunt the last traces of winter. The radish appears in our appetizers, with a little fleur de sel, as well as asparagus so delicious with a homemade mayo. Strawberries Gariguette and especially rhubarb sublimate our pies for dessert. And if all winter has had to be satisfied with dried or powdered herbs, here they show the tips of their leaves. A dish with fresh dill, basil, chives, mint, thyme or oregano is just happiness.

Melon and ham of Parma, the delight of summer

Summer flavors
In summer, it's the waltz fruits, pies and quiches! As far as fruit is concerned, melon can be used as a starter or as a dessert, whether in a mix of marbles with watermelon or in a verrine with some fresh mint leaves. The fruits red wines are invading our panacotta, our crumbles and our smoothies for our greatest pleasure. This is also the moment when vegetables of the sun make their show: zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants. They like to be in ratatouille, quiches or grilled barbecue. To accompany all this, I propose a small salad of arugula with grilled sesame, peeled pepper and a little corn. But all the good things have an end and to console us of the end of the summer holidays, the blackberries arrive at the end of August, as well as the fresh figs, to serve as an aperitif surrounded by a small ham of Parma.

What's the Difference Between Fruits and Vegetables? (July 2024)