May 5, 2024

How can I get muscle from where I want?

The difference between slimming and muscle

The sport what we do for losing weight aims to increase energy expenditure to burn calories. Remodeling also allows, subsequently, to continue to spend more energy, and thus boosts the diet.
But it is often mistaken to think that doing targeted exercises like glutes or abdominals will make you lose weight in this place. But in reality, these exercises muscular well at the desired location but do not melt in this specific place: they participate in the expense and therefore the weight loss, that's all.
It is precisely these exercises that must be practiced when one is trying to shape one's body: targeted exercises that work on a particular muscle or muscle group.

How to practice?

-In gym
The ideal is to offer at least one session with a personal coach with whom you will define a goal. He will be able to show you which machine to use, how, how long, and to tailor a program. Afterwards, make yourself observed and corrected by the coaches who are present in the room to learn more and more how to do the exercises perfectly!

-On the Internet
There are video exercises often thematic: buttocks, abs, inner thighs, choose the exercise that interests you. Often with a coach, you only have to register online knowing that some programs are free (like at Nestlé Fitness) and some are not. Again, it is the attendance that pays!
Also, for the purchase of a Box Slim-Data + strong Pharma box that contains a diet program and dietary supplements, a free exercise program is available on the internet. (23?).


-At home
There are a multitude of exercise books for which a minimum of material is needed. Generally, with a chair and a stick, you can do it all! But you can also buy other sporting objects that allow you to practice the desired muscle very precisely. They are cheap and keep for life: balloon, small dumbbells, elastic to sculpt the thighs, or handles to make easily pumps, these objects will change your life. You can also invest in a DVD and only do the exercises that target your problem.



DVD Body Sculpt by Jean-Pierre Clémenceau (19?)
DVD "Being Well, 30 lessons for the form West Gomez (14.99?)
Ball Domyos, 65cm, for stretching and exrcices like abs in getting hurt (12.95?)


1.5KG dumbbells, Domyos, to work the arm muscles. (4.95? One)
Online Shop: //
Foam handles for easy pumps, Go Sport (14,99?)


- Via a discipline
If you register for courses, there will be a teacher from whom you can define your objective and take advice. If you do not take classes, invest in small equipment that will refine your free practice. At the pool for example, ask to work with palms to strengthen the legs, or the monopalme to include the abs for example ...

Powerfin Arena fins (29?)
Gloves Aquafit Gloves: webbed hands to accentuate the work of arms in pool (19?)

Good advice

- Control your intensity: to avoid taking in volume, you must make series, slowly, which strengthens the muscle deep. On the contrary to inflate a muscle, one will do very intense exercises of short duration: it is what one calls to make the "inflator". Here, the muscle will deflate as soon as you stop several days.
- Try to understand the exercise: what muscles does it work on, how do you perform the movement ect ...
- Attention to positioning: in the effort, the body always tends to move towards the easiest movement and therefore to "deform" so that the exercise is less hard! Remember to correct your posture!

Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS (May 2024)