May 17, 2024

How to eat his strawberries Gariguette?

Careful preparation
Picked by hand as soon as they are ripe, the Gariguettes are quickly damaged. Their fragile nature requires a minimum of handling and waiting until the last moment before preparing them. To wash them, a trickle of water is enough, do not soak them and above all, do not soil them! They would gorge themselves with water, lose vitamins and some of their precious flavor.
Amazing sweet and savory weddings
If they can be tasted plain or with a delicious touch of homemade whipped cream, the Gariguettes reveal their subtle aromas in daring marriages. We know them strawberries with basil, but who would have thought that marrying this delicate fruit with a few spoons of old wine vinegar and freshly ground Sichuan pepper would be divine? Macerate an hour or two and sprinkle with a little sugar before feasting.
Another singular association with Southern accents allows our strawberry to let its flavors explode: olive oil. Just water our pieces of strawberriesadd lemon juice, sugar and fresh mint finely chopped. Astonishing but succulent.
Otherwise, we can imagine our strawberries téédies in the pan with water, sugar, balsamic vinegar and mint leaves for a real explosion in the mouth.
No mess, I beg you!
If you have eyes bigger than your stomach and your Gariguettes are threatening to lose, turn them into sorbet or smoothie. It's fresh and delicious and then like that, no mess.

★ How to: Grow Strawberries from Seed (A Complete Step by Step Guide) (May 2024)