May 1, 2024

How to wear leggings?

The leggings is a footless, thick, opaque pantyhose that stands out from traditional tights thanks to its seams on the sides. It is made of cotton, lycra or wool.
The leggings has become an indispensable part of your wardrobe.
Last season, he wore himself with a tunic and ballerinas but, now you can wear it, summer and winter: with a sweater dress and ankle boots, with a long shirt, a tunic and flip-flops or derbys ...
The advantage of leggings, it is It can also be worn with an evening dress. With a mini dress, if you do not feel like showing off your legs or strapless dress. It immediately gives you a more casual look.
To be in the hippie chic trend, the tunic is de rigueur.
In general, when wearing a leggings, the buttocks are still covered ...
You can also sort the leggings with a shorts and ballerinas to give a sporty and relaxed look ...
This season, the tregging made his appearance. It's a leggings vinyl or leather. It can be worn with a shirt plaid, a long vest to "break" the rock style and he can even associate with a blazer type jacket. In general, you have to be rather thin to put on a tregging. The disadvantage is that it is not very comfortable and it is better to wear it in winter!
With the tregging, wear shoes or boots with heels. With a leggings traditional, avoid ballerinas if you are going past 38, you would look like you're wearing fins!
Our advice
To find a good leggings, with a quality material that you can mistreat as much as you want, choose it in a sports shop, cheaper, they are strong and resistant.