April 29, 2024

How to wear the waders?

Fashion magazines say the return of the thigh-high for the winter. But is this a return? If the look of the thigh is not classic, it is timeless. The way to wear them however has codes that are good to know.

The color of the waders is important as they will set the tone for a variety of outfits. We campaign for colors such as taupe, brown, linden ... Black is, oddly enough, less easy to match because it connotes the thighs with a touch of rock, even pirate. As for models of waders sequined, golden, silver or even laces, we recommend the utmost caution. And then, do not mince words: frankly, abstain.

The waders team up... with humor. To wear winter boots version 2009-2010, you must do as with the rest of his wardrobe: divert them. We saw on the catwalks skinny pants and marinières get married for the best in waders but also harem pants, long dresses, a mini-dress under a coat a little longer, mini skirts and shorts: attention to everything which is mini. You do not have to look like Pretty Woman before she meets Richard Gere!

We saw Kate Moss, the queen of fashion, with black thigh boots, bleach jeans, a simple black sweater and a tuxedo jacket. The word that must be remembered here is "simple". No need to make tons when you wear his thigh boots. Especially that, side silhouette, few women can boast of having the same as Kate Moss.
Our advice
The waders can come and debauch a fluid dress with the necessary impertinence to make the latter interesting. This is the heart of writing GirlsFromMainStreet.

How to put on boots/waders (April 2024)