May 17, 2024

Kamasutra: The Burning Cross

The woman is lying on her side, her arms extended above her head, in this position of Kamasutra. She raises one leg so that the man slips between her thighs, also on the side. The two bodies are placed perpendicular to each other, so that they form a cross. The man enters the woman standing on his shoulders.
Tips + : this position of Kama Sutra offers two major discoveries:
- an angle of penetration unprecedented, very penetrating, and stimulating the sides of the vaginal wall, often ignored.
- A friction of gender one against the other particularly exciting.
Imagine being a corkscrew and twisting backwards to spice up your antics.

Flexibility: ++
Sexual challenge: +++++

Active man: ++++
Active woman: ++

THE KAMA SUTRA by Mallanaga Vatsyayana - FULL AudioBook | Kamasutra - Sex & Love (May 2024)