May 1, 2024

Looks like Rihanna: Nicole Scherzinger wild version

3 years ago, Nicole Scherzinger, leader of the Pussycatdolls, was adept of necklines in the heart, turquoises and purple dresses, blow-drys girly. From now on, the singer opts for less r'n'b more roots or more retro looks, to choose from! Hairstyle rockabilly at a Hard Rock Café party, glamorous under a big woven hat at the Monaco Grand Prix, a femme fatale at the premiere of Men in Black III, the starlet is working her outfits as queen of red carpets.

Photographed in the streets of Los Angeles, Nicole Scherzinger is now defined: its displayed model is Rihanna. Same ultra-sexy trendy r'n'b basics, even glam on red carpet ... and even rebellious beauty attitude with flashy makeup. Cap screwed on his hair a jet black, lipstick fuzzy red with a light lacquer, Nicole Scherzinger looks a lot like a hip-hop trendy hipster chic.


Nicole Scherzinger - Puakenikeni (May 2024)