July 2, 2024

Love at work: oops, colleagues know!

Often, it is enough that a burst of laughter or some glances so that the comments fuse and amplify little by little before giving way to the rumor. Meanwhile, do the round back and regain strength. Energy, you will need because having a love story in a company involves having to constantly prove that your relationship is solid!

Unfortunately, hallway noises do not stop at the door of your CEO's office. Believe that he will know. If you both have identical positions, you expose yourself to a simple warning. "Stay discreet, "continue to do your job" are a few sentences that the boss usually pronounces to warn the two lovers that he keeps watch over the grain anyway.

However, if one of the partners has a position of responsibility or if he has strategic or confidential information, you can be sure that your boss will take a close look at your idyll.

In addition, if your relationship is known shortly before January, the month of increases and other promotions, you may suffer from a lack of advancement. The reason given? "Your promotion to this position may be badly perceived by other employees " or "your increase is somewhat skewed by the fact of your relationship "...

To avoid getting there, do not hesitate to take the lead and inform yourself your line manager. The latter may then decide on a change of establishment or a change of service.

Sound Advice: Oops! I Slept With A Co-Worker (July 2024)