May 5, 2024

Mother and baby care: a relaxation workshop

The concept
The Stroller café is a real place of exchange and conviviality between parents and their children. The future moms come here to interact with other future or young people moms and participate in workshops led by professionals. Young people moms take advantage of the place to meet other young parents in a place designed for them: breastfeeding area, exchange, meals ... Finally, the little ones, have fun and play without constraint.
Baby massages
The baby massage workshop creates the link between the mum and his baby by touch. Two formulas are proposed:

The "First Step" workshop of 1 hour: for the curious eager to learn the basics of the baby massage. How to massage baby with confidence? Some keys are transmitted to you to approach the massage with serenity.19? the session.

The "Exploration" workshops of 3x45min: for the moms eager to deepen this means of privileged communication with baby; and to develop its benefits both physically and emotionally. The exercises focus on the front of the baby (face, chest, stomach, legs, feet), the back of the baby (head, shoulders, back, legs, feet) and finally the creation of his own massage. 49? the 3 sessions.


But also...
The workshop "Singing with baby" is also a moment of welfare multi-sensory by musical awakening. Nursery rhymes, lullabies and tactile games are part of the musical discovery of children from 3 months to 3 years old. Lullabies from the other side of the world are also on the program. Musical instruments are made available to children for their pleasure. 19? (child + 1 parent) the session

I go !
The Stroller Coffee
6 rue Pierre Sémard, Paris 9th
Such. : 01 78 10 49 00

Active Birth - Benefits For Mother and Baby before and after Birth (May 2024)