May 16, 2024

My child in the cinema: the conditions for a successful session

Before the day
"The more a child is warned, the better he receives the film and the less agitated he is "notes Véronique Boursier, director of Enfances au cinéma, a Parisian association that coordinates, in particular, My first festival and regularly hosts school audiences. As part of a free session, it's up to you to prepare your child for this special experience. Tell him a little about the style of film he's going to see: plasticine decorations, drawings ... Evoke also the general theme: the place where it takes place, the characters ... without revealing the Node of the story, which would spoil the suspense! Beyond the work itself, tell him already what a cinema looks like: there will be noise, many other children will attend the screening ...
During the session
Before the session, ask the reception of the cinema if one can provide you with a booster. Otherwise, it will be necessary to superimpose some coats on its seat so that your child sees well the screen. If the fear during certain scenes, do not go out of the room, it is not always recommended to stay on bad impressions; try to reassure him, and make this decision only as a last resort. It is also an age where children need to externalize their fears via stories. The stories they read, like Snow White or Little Red Riding Hood, are not reassuring from start to finish. Everything depends on the subtlety and appropriateness with which things are represented.
After the session
It's time to share your impressions, around a good snack! Why not offer to tell him about his experience in family, his grandparents or uncles and aunts? He will be proud to speak with people he likes, it is also an opportunity to express what surprised him, worried ...

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