May 1, 2024

Organic food supplements: from natural to keep fit

Contrary to popular belief, dietary supplements are not only used in winter to fight against cold fatigue. They can be effective all year long, provided they keep an eye on the ingredients that compose them and target their needs.
Capsules to compensate for deficiencies

It seems that our food is less and less rich in vitamins and minerals. It is not easy to opt for balanced meals every day when the agenda is overloaded and lunch breaks shorter and shorter. Seasonal changes, causing significant temperature variations, can also accentuate vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

The right compromise: a cure of food supplements! A solution to recharge the batteries, complete a diet or prepare the skin before exposure to the sun thanks to beta-carotene. These supplements, available without prescription, are taken at a rate of one or two tablets per day for a period of 15 days to a month depending on the needs. They are usually taken during meals to promote their assimilation by the body.

Nutrients that boost the body

Dietary supplements are not spared by the trend organic. There are more and more food supplements in the form of capsules or even 100% natural ampoules, whose nutrients are from organic farming.

To avoid mineral deficiencies, these food supplements contain selenium, a very good antioxidant, and magnesium to boost the body. Royal jelly, secreted by the glandular system of worker bees, is also known to better manage the decline of diets and regain form and tone to avoid the small colds and other problems of the winter season.

For morale and to compensate for the lack of fatty acids in canola, soy or fish, omega 3 is preferred. Same energy intake with ginseng, associated with royal jelly, acerola or propolis. If the stress of the day also spoils your nights, valerian and hops can be the ideal cocktail to find peace and relaxation.

Many dietary supplements organic can be used in addition to a diet to help eliminate calories and toxins. They mainly use artichoke, fennel, green tea, black radish or ginger.

Manufacturing companies pinned

Even though dietary supplements are widely used in France, a survey conducted in 2008 on food supplements by the DGCCRF, the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention, shows 12.5% ​​of anomalies or of fraud.

The DGCCRF advises consumers to be cautious and avoid associating food supplements with similar effects to avoid the risk of overconsumption. Also to avoid: food supplements purchased on the Internet from sites based outside the European Union or whose labeling is not written in French. The best is, above all, to target your needs, know your deficiencies and opt for balanced nutrient combinations.

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