April 26, 2024

Peggy Adam

Like many authors of this file, Peggy Adam draws children's books! She has published several in the Swiss publishing house Atrabile. It is also home that have released his three albums for adults, including "Luchadoras". For this rough and lucid description of the relations between men and women, she took as a frame the region of Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico. Since 1993, more than 350 young women have been abducted, raped and murdered. Perhaps they have been victims of organized gangs, but also of their fathers, brothers or husbands. This is how Peggy Adams decided to describe Ciudad Juarez, which has become the symbol of the abuse of women around the world.
Luchadoras, Peggy Adam, Atrabile, 17?

Peggy Scott Adams - I'm Getting What I Want "www.getbluesinfo.com" (April 2024)