April 26, 2024

Reflexology and acupuncture

The reflexology

Initiated by an American doctor in 1913, Dr. William Fitzgerald who discovered that patients' pain decreased by exercisingpressures In some parts of the body, it was his assistant who brought to light the principle of reflex zones in the early 1930s. The principle is a kind of map of the body that divides it into 10 energy zones linked to functions or organs.
The practice is similar to a massage type "digito-pressure" focused on energy, that is to say that the practitioner will make more or less strong pressure with the tips of his fingers, but sometimes a stylus wooden, as in Asia to rebalance the flow of energy in the body, on selected points. But in reality it is a discipline closer to osteopathy or theacupuncture than massage, which also targets a comprehensive understanding of the body to relieve it by treating the source of the ailments and not their symptoms.
This stimulates the zones linked to these points, thus releasing the energy which triggers a self-healing reaction of the body which then relieves itself of its troubles such as stress, backache, headaches and various functional pains. even chronicles, and can even prevent them.

To get started: a practical and very clear guide to take stock of the world of reflexology plantar and gives the techniques to know to understand this natural ancestral practice. The reflexology, how to use Joëlle Marvaud

This ancestral practice, which comes from traditional Chinese medicine, is also based on the existence of the meridians and the points which compose them, but which are reached and stimulated with very fine needles. The practitioner plants them on the points which is quite painless and leaves them the time he deems necessary. These long stems-needles here also aim to relaunch flows of energy blocked and not to "heal" precisely: there is not a point for each problem itself type a point to sleep, a point for Teeth ... This is to re-operate the whole body so that the disorders disappear. Theacupuncture treats addiction problems a lot and can be a great help when you stop smoking or dieting, especially to regain serenity

足つぼ【鍼灸師さんに】| Reflexology to an acupuncturist (April 2024)