April 26, 2024

Salad of oranges and beets in carpaccio

1 beet cooked
3 oranges (2 for carpaccio and 1 for juice)
1 handful of nuts or crushed hazelnuts
Raspberry vinegar
Hazelnut oil
Salt pepper

Cut your beet in very fine slices. Peel your 2 oranges live and cut them into very thin slices. Alternate, in a glass, a slice of beet, a slice oforange and sprinkle with crushed nuts. Pour the sauce.

You can also cut each slice into 4 pieces (easier to eat).

Prepare the sauce: in a bowl, add salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon raspberry vinegar and 2 tablespoons juice.orangethen 1 and a half of hazelnut oil.

thanks to Kscades for this quick recipe, original and delicious!

Oranges and Beet Salad with Goat Cheese | Cook's Pantry (April 2024)