May 16, 2024

SOS hair: my coloring goes too fast!

Your coloring fired, shampoo after shampoo, fades and your colored hair turn into a mop? Do not panic, it's perfectly normal! The sun, the pollution, the hair care poorly adapted ...

Your color goes away even faster when your hair is porous because it absorbs all the micro-dusts, the water of the shower while they let the pigments escape.

For the colored hair in a regular way, the hair fiber retains the pigments better but it loses shine. And a house colo will have the same result as that done in a living room. However, at your hairdresser, there are specific products (it would be too easy otherwise!) To make the color last, especially more powerful reflections if it observes porous and / or damaged hair.

To prolong your color yourself, it is necessary to use special care forcolored hairbut without sulphate! And washing your hair less often is useless: the solution is to redo your coloring Frequently, but beware of any lightening product that would turn the color. As for the pigmented care, prefer tones over shades otherwise the color created will be less pretty ...